Welcome to the Water Cut website
Cutting without thermally influencing the cut material, so called cold cutting (no heat-affected zone), is one of the biggest advantages of water jet cutting. The material shows no physical, chemical or mechanical changes and is consequently easily machinable.
Versatility – the water jet is able to divide the most of materials at large scale of thicknesses.

The materials keep their shape and remain undamaged on the surface; the materials are influenced by the cutting jet only to such an extent that the micro crack formation is eliminated.
Minimal material pruning and the resulting high utilization of the material – only gaps up to 3 mm are left between the individual parts.

Our company provides customers with a personal approach and experience in the water jet cutting field in order to ensure the best treatment for your materials. We gladly advise our customers on what materials can be processed, what are the technical capabilities of their processing and what is the impact of the water jet on the materials you need to cut. We offer individual approach, the possibility of scheduling an express date and guidance in the choice of materials. We will gladly process all that at favorable prices and with deadlines by arrangement.
n und mit Terminen nach individuellen Vereinbarung.